An Australian banking client selects a strategic partner and develops regional facilities and administration hubs.

Our major Australasian banking and finance client wanted to centralize its facilities and administration in centers of excellence to drive productivity improvements. After identifying a strategic partner with a local presence in Manila to provide an Asia Pacific processing hub, the client needed to conduct a competitive selection process.

Imagining IT Differently
ISG analyzed the maturity of the facilities and administration outsourcing market and the relative capabilities of global service providers. After defining requirements that supported the client’s financial and business objectives, ISG conducted a request for solution for shortlisted service providers and managed the negotiation process.

Future Made Possible
- Strategic partner selected, backed by SWOT analysis, negotiation strategy, implementation timing and business case, and set up for rapid implementation
- 200 full-time employees onboarded; 50,000 hours of knowledge, 3,000 processes and 5,000 activities transferred
- Document preparation, approval and negotiation time reduced by using ISG RFS statements of work, service level methodology, pricing methodology and other contract schedules
- Rigorous competitive negotiation to ensure fitness for purpose, cultural fit and competitive pricing (including productivity targets and cost transparency)
- Clearly documented statements of work, RACI responsibility models, and industry standard service levels
- Increase in customer satisfaction from 65 percent to 72 percent