
Automation Intelligence

Accelerate and transform the way you work with robotic process and cognitive automation technologies.

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Top 3 Automation Trends for Your 2022 Plans

For many organizations, 2022 will be all about recovery and resilience. You may be looking for ways in which automation can help make your business run more efficiently and support employees in your work – wherever it is you're working. Read this article for three main uses for automation that businesses should invest in, in order to be prepared for 2022.

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Move to the Next Level of your Automation Journey

Wherever you are, we push you further. Our robust automation methodologies weave in change management capabilities and digital enablement to empower your success. We help you on all steps of your intelligent automation journey with our 5 D’s.



Using automated process discovery tools, such as process and task mining, as well as our seasoned process analysts, we’ll have you a business case ready in just a few weeks, for your RPA opportunities, and more as we assess for all manner of intelligent automation capabilities.



ISG has a whole manner of services, to assist you on your Bot building journey. We can either build for you, or teach you how to build your own, even a bit of both, as well as operate and maintain all bots for you moving forward via our Bot support. What ever your needs, we have you covered.


ISG works with you to develop your technical and operating strategy – and to launch your automation center of excellence. We ensure you’re ready to scale, by validating any software, provisioning infrastructure and continuing to educate and train your organization.



Delivering an Automation, is just half the challenge, creating and extracting the value the Bots create requires a whole different skill set – with this change, ISG helps you repurpose staff to higher value roles and plan your automations to digitally transform the business. ISG knows the pitfalls to avoid, ensuring you scale successfully.

digitally enable

Digitally Enable

Our digital enablement platform brings together training and upskilling of your developers, plus code quality checking, to ensure bot build standards are maintained. Leverage our ability to help you migrate your processes from one RPA software to another.

Transform the Way You Work

ISG Automation can guide you through the hurdles of adoption, ensuring the optimal future state with best-fit technologies. ISG Automation tailors programs to specific your business needs and helps you build governance that works inside the culture of your enterprise. 

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

RPA uses the GUI interface of your system to automate high-volume, structured and repetitive processes; can be deployed in attended or unattended mode.


RPA can be used throughout the business to automate rules-based processes. Cognitive and artificial intelligence technologies can be layered in with RPA to take an organization’s transformation even further.

Example Technologies
Image Recognition

Image recognition technology can identify and detect an object or a feature in a digital image or video.


Image recognition technology can be applied to any process with a scanned image. It often is used in finance and other areas.

Example Technologies
Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP is the application of computational techniques to the analysis and synthesis of natural language and speech.


NLP can understand the requester’s intent in an email or service request in your CRM; it turns unstructured text into structured data so RPA can understand and automate the next step

Example Technologies
Cognitive Reasoning

Cognitive reasoning can make complex decisions based on previous knowledge absorption and provide rationale for the decision.


Used more commonly in Legal or FS organizations at present. Utilizing knowledge of a process to make a more complex decision, as well as showing why that decision was made.

Example Technologies
Conversational AI

Conversational AI is the evolution of NLP that powers the virtual agent; it can hold well-structured conversations.


Conversational AI is used throughout the business as a cornerstone technology to automate process either on its own, or with complementary technologies.

Example Technologies


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ISG's Wayne Butterfield will be in touch.
