Rethinking Cost Optimization in 2025
2025 brings with it a witching hour of multiple macro-economic trends impacting every aspect of business.
Are you achieving less value from your transformation than your industry peers?
You just signed partnerships for your service or technology transformation. But how do you track and benchmark the continuous value along the way? Are you achieving less value than your industry peers? Are the capabilities that you are building with
partners achieving your business goals?
The greatest hurdle to transformation is neither the technology nor its implementation – though we have the expertise to guide you with both. It’s the ability to clearly define, predict, track and realize the value you’re creating. We
provide the structure to ensure you realize the original promise of your strategy.
ISG can benchmark, manage and track the value of your transformation. We have the right industry peer
benchmarks from more than 400 firms and no conflict of interest in the implementation. ISG can help you track your business case objectives to ensure you achieve them, even in a complex continuous transformation environment.
ISG is a leader in proprietary research, advisory consulting and executive event services focused on market trends and disruptive technologies.
Get the insight and guidance you need to accelerate growth and create more value.
Learn MoreUse data to assess your supplier delivery against regulations and monitor customer-specific requirements. Complexity and regulatory scrutiny of third-party relationships are on the rise. Get a comprehensive and data-driven way to control risk throughout the life of the relationship.
A traditional price benchmark is simply a snapshot of a moment in time. You need reliable market forecasting and intelligence on demand so you can make smart buying and budgeting decisions. This webinar explores how enterprises are using benchmarks today to identify the latest price trends for IT services and determine how their transactions measure up.
Banking & Financial Services organizations have never seen such disruption, from soaring customer demands and new competition, to geographically diverging regulation and a global battle for talent. ISG’s Owen Wheatley shares valuable learnings about how to better serve your customers in the new world.
With the availability of digital technologies that can be personalized to the needs of users, you are likely trying to determine ways in which you can reap profitability, maintain or lead competitive advantage and ensure ROI. Read this ISG Provider Lens™ study, which examines the requirements and capabilities of the provider landscape globally.
How do you create the right flexibility, speed and collaboration so you can deliver benefits to the business and your ever-more mobile customers?
The answer involves mapping customer journeys to business functions, products and digital functions, lean product management, agile software development life cycles and DevOps to improve cross-functional collaboration.