A global healthcare company suffered from low client satisfaction due to disparate IT solutions across its regions and countries. Learn how ISG helped it address its processes, organization and technology to improve its client satisfaction.

A global healthcare company had low client satisfaction levels due to heterogeneous IT solutions across its regions and countries.
It had no end-to-end view on IT security and compliance. The company also suffered from a confusing variety of processes leading to inconsistent service level monitoring and reporting.
There was no clear delineation of roles and responsibilities across the organization and the organization model was not scalable and did not allow for technical innovation. The other major issue was the limited involvement of regional subject matter experts (SMEs) in global- standards setting.
It had no end-to-end view on IT security and compliance. The company also suffered from a confusing variety of processes leading to inconsistent service level monitoring and reporting.
There was no clear delineation of roles and responsibilities across the organization and the organization model was not scalable and did not allow for technical innovation. The other major issue was the limited involvement of regional subject matter experts (SMEs) in global- standards setting.

Imagining IT Differently
ISG initiated an IT transformation program with a focus on three topics: technology, organization and processes. ISG introduced a new service culture around technology. We also put international technology standards for quality, security and compliance in place according to business needs and consolidated technology in a global business service catalog. ISG transformed the organizational aspect with end-to-end responsibility by using a product-oriented organization structure, which allows for flexibility, technical innovation and involvement of global SMEs. We transformed its processes by clearly delineating responsibilities across entities with new processes and interfaces between business and IT, including processes to govern and manage the service/product portfolio.

Future Made Possible
- The company is now ready, from an organizational point of view, to embark on the first pilot.
- It can subsequently transform the global infrastructure organization.
- The company has developed an operating model that can be transferred to the application ecosystem.