ISG helps its retail client implement a global vendor management model to standardize processes and hone its business strategy.

A retailer of consumer electronics with global reach sought assistance in developing vendor management processes, tools and templates to enhance its ability to transform service delivery. Specific areas where assistance was required included vendor management process flows and process flow documentation; vendor management implementation, training and knowledge transfer; and enhanced integration and clarification of accountabilities between various stakeholders.

Imagining IT Differently
ISG was retained to assist the client in the design and implementation of its Global Business Services (GBS) Vendor Management Office (VMO). While the client had previously implemented an initiative to achieve greater value from its top ten vendors, a higher level of standardization of operating practices and processes was needed to support the company’s global growth strategy.

Future Made Possible
- Using a unique VMO framework designed by ISG advisors and employing ITIL v3 process standards, the client was able to implement and extend the global VMO practice within six weeks of the start of organizational design.
- Process standards, a VMO operating guide and an organization design with defined roles and responsibilities were coupled with a business and vendor orientation and training curriculum to enable quick start up.
- To support strategic and financial planning, Year 1 and 2 financial scenarios outlined how an objective VM function could evaluate operational risks and benefits of various sourcing scenarios.