With a benchmark assessment, a lender reduces operational costs by 24 percent.

The mortgage unit of a major North American bank sought to grow market share, increase customer satisfaction and reduce costs at the same time. To implement this ambitious strategy, the company needed to baseline its existing performance, identify operational constraints to its business objectives, define actions that would drive immediate benefits and chart a path towards long-term transformation.

Imagining IT Differently
ISG conducted a benchmark analysis of the client’s IT and business processes and compared the unit to other global banks. The results identified opportunities to improve productivity and quality and significantly reduce costs by streamlining business processes. More importantly, the analysis delivered financial transparency and defined the operational changes that would support the bank’s business objectives.

Future Made Possible
- Improvement recommendations that reduced operational costs by 24 percent
- Operational strategy linked to business objectives
- Roadmap for operational transformation
- Current state/future state comparison to highlight necessary operational changes