Outside experience pays off for a consumer goods company as they outsource for the first time.

Spending on IT rarely keeps pace with the demands on the IT organization. Outsourcing can be an effective way to cut costs, but value depends on the right sourcing strategy to start the process.
This consumer goods client had minimal sourcing experience when they engaged ISG to negotiate, select and transition services for an IT governance framework, service level management, contract compliance and delivery, contract change and amendment, contract interpretation and invoice management.
This consumer goods client had minimal sourcing experience when they engaged ISG to negotiate, select and transition services for an IT governance framework, service level management, contract compliance and delivery, contract change and amendment, contract interpretation and invoice management.

Imagining IT Differently
ISG drew on more than a decade of experience with services transitions to successfully migrate five data centers into two, along with client employees. The client gained critical knowledge of standard market governance processes and the requirements for properly managing its new contract.

Future Made Possible
- Because the client retained ISG throughout the entire process, the provider was motivated to complete a successful transition.
- The client moved from zero readiness for governance to nearly complete readiness.
- The client expected a 10 percent savings from the sourcing transition.