A financial services company needed to automate its labor-intensive processes in agent and customer support services and order-to-cash processes. It aimed to expand its automation abilities beyond traditional RPA technology as an outcome of the exercise and achieve cost and time savings.

In addition to a desire for cost and time savings, the company wanted to strengthen its pipeline of automations by introducing other technologies as solutions. While its internal developer team ramped up new hires, ISG was tasked with building new automations to augment its developer capacity.

Imagining IT Differently
ISG assessed processes across customer and transaction services with over 440 employees around the globe to identify RPA and intelligent automation (IA) opportunities
Next, we developed a pipeline to implement optical character recognition (OCR) and attended virtual agents as new technologies.
ISG also created a roadmap expanding its center of excellence's reach into intelligent automation.
ISG fast-tracked eight processes for robotic process automation (RPA). We worked to identify and develop all 8 within the first quarter.
ISG implemented cognitive virtual agent technologies across the IA landscape and provided 24x7 production support for all automations.
Applications automated:
Oracle; Mainframe; Salesforce; AS400; MS Office; LMS tools, customer relationship management (CRM) tools and project time tracking tool, online & network storage, Kofax.
Processes automated:
Collections (order to cash), agent on-boarding services, Know Your Customer and document validation.
Automation Platform:
Blue Prism

Future Made Possible
After conducting an automation assessment for the company, ISG created and implemented eight (8) unattended robotic process automations (RPA), creating over $1.5 million in savings. ISG's diverse assessment team used our deep knowledge in various industries and automation technologies to perform the automation assessment. The new automations helped free up valuable talent to be repurposed for customer-facing work, recommended best-fit technology and defined a roadmap for translating the findings into real benefits. Other results include:
- Completed 120 assessments across 19 departments in 6 weeks
- Recommended 33 processes to the automation lifecycle queue for immediate implementation
- Introduced new technologies (NLP, OCR, attended automation) into the automation program
- Identified, built and deployed $1.5M in savings within 1st quarter and identified over $2.1 million in total potential value identified in our assessment
- Identified over 85 employees in our assessment as potential capacity creation