The Government of Australia gets a strategy for maintaining and migrating healthcare IT systems.

Legacy systems still run most public sector IT operations, but greater computing demands on outdated technology can quickly turn a legacy system into a liability.
ISG was engaged by the Department of Human Services (DHS) for the Government of Australia to deliver a sourcing strategy that would support its Medicare and related health systems through to retirement and implement replacements.
ISG was engaged by the Department of Human Services (DHS) for the Government of Australia to deliver a sourcing strategy that would support its Medicare and related health systems through to retirement and implement replacements.

Imagining IT Differently
ISG designed a sourcing strategy that allowed the government to successfully manage its existing Medicare IT system while moving resources to new technology for the replacement health-related IT systems.

Future Made Possible
- The government entity received a sourcing option that enables the progressive development of new systems.
- It also achieved harmonious transition of the DHS information and key IT personnel from the existing ADM teams.