A state government aimed to do more with less; ISG helped make that happen.

IT operations for the state of Georgia were spread across the enterprise and struggled to meet industry standards. State leaders, concerned that they were not providing the service quality and stability that their customers expected, called for a change that would drive infrastructure operations to a common and repeatable set of processes, increasing efficiency and cutting costs.

Imagining IT Differently
The IT strategy and assessment ISG conducted helped the state make decisions consistent with its objectives. ISG used an internally developed IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) process assessment model. The findings pointed to key areas that needed work: gaps in operational processes integration, room for improvement in disaster recovery capabilities, and a way to capture lessons learned for continuous improvement. The state opted for an RFP to find partners to help improve its overall operations.

Future Made Possible
- The state’s department leaders overcame their initial skepticism upon seeing the honest responses to the ITIL survey questions and realized they could not continue with the status quo.
- The knowledge derived from the findings enabled business units to ask the right questions of service providers.
- The solution clarified the vision for IT infrastructure development and defined the direction for evaluating and selecting service providers.