Data Services Brought to You by Executive Insights™

Data Services for Providers

Make strategic decisions with timely insights and real-time data.

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Our Data in One Platform: ISG Executive Insights™

ISG Executive Insights is an integrated data services platform that empowers you to improve your pursuit effectiveness via market insights and best-in-class data analytics.

How can you
win at your pursuit imperatives?

Leverage our market intelligence to make informed, strategic decisions - and get real-time access to do so on your timeline

Engage with our expert advisory services and pursuit effectiveness teams to course correct and optimize your pursuit strategy.

Measure and generate new leads and level-up your market awareness with deep analytics and insights

Our Data Services - Now All in One Place

We bring together the services you love in a one-stop solution. Be it engaging with advisors or accessing your ISG subscriptions, this digital platform will provide a smarter and more effective way to make the most of your ISG relationship.

deal analysisDeal Analysis
index leaderboard
Index Leaderboard
awareness frameworkAwareness Framework
track interactionsTrack Interactions
price intelligencePrice Intelligence
buyer intentBuyer Intent
event sponsorship
Event Sponsorship
provider capabilities and emerging trendsProvider Capabilities
and Emerging Trends

We combine the only patented IT price benchmarking and market cost intelligence platform in the industry with the world’s largest global database of IT, BPO and engineering outsourcing contracts.

With more than 23,500 completed engagements for more than 2,700 clients, ISG has advised or benchmarked more than 2,100 transactions, representing more than $457 billion of contract value. This makes ISG's database the largest of its kind in the industry. And now we've made it easier than ever to leverage all of our data from one integrated platform.

Leverage meaningful, data-backed market intelligence.

Contact Us
price intelligence

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