Enterprise leaders moving infrastructure from in-house data centers to off-site public clouds need to know how this transformative decision will affect their organizations from a staffing perspective. Which needs will change? Which will stay the same? Will there be unanticipated increases in staffing requirements?
The answers will certainly vary from one organization to the next, depending on a number of factors, including the existing sourcing model and efficiency levels, available skill sets, the degree of IaaS adoption, the type of workload and the cloud service provider’s capabilities. Still, some general expectations can be set regarding how specific staffing numbers and functions will change after the move to public cloud. Insight into these changes is essential to assessing potential risks and developing an effective business case for a cloud initiative.
This ISG white paper examines the staffing impact of moving infrastructure services to a public IaaS model. By applying well-defined staffing categories used for benchmarking and other types of analysis, this assessment is designed to ensure a comprehensive and common view of how a transition to IaaS will affect infrastructure functions and roles.