Insurer assesses software assets to mitigate audit risk

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Taking stock of its software assets allowed this firm better visibility and control over its IT spend.


Struggling to gain oversight of all of its software assets, a leading North American insurance firm found itself increasingly vulnerable to a software audit. The firm reached out to ISG advisors to develop a Software Asset Management (SAM) strategy to streamline software usage, compile a centralized repository of software assets, identify existing licensing compliance risks and devise a roadmap to transition from a reactive to a proactive asset management strategy.

Imagining IT Differently
Imagining IT Differently

Applying best practices methodology and its functional knowledge of IT assets, advisors analyzed existing contracts to identify areas for improvement, created an enterprise-wide asset catalog, executed network audits to highlight non-compliant software usage and streamlined capital asset data to create “one version of the truth” for both procurement and IT. ISG also articulated a business case for selecting an audit tool to identify and forecast application usage on an ongoing basis over the long term.

Future Made Possible

  • A corporate-wide software asset baseline
  • Significantly greater visibility into capital assets
  • Enhanced compliance by enabling remediation of almost $600K of software audit risk exposure
  • Improved ability to assess and forecast software usage and effectively respond to any future software audits